Rescuing furniture since 2002
When you find a piece of furniture that works for you, whether it's the fit, the style or the funkiness, rescued from the roadside, your grandmother's attic or the confines of a furniture store, you want to preserve it when it gets a little worn around the edges. I can help you do that.
The process starts with an inspection of the piece to determine any repairs that may be needed. I can handle minor repairs and help you find the right person for more extensive repair work. I'll give you a free estimate of costs for labor and supplies and let you know how much fabric the job will require. I work with several fabric suppliers and can loan you sample books and help you make your selection. After that, we'll schedule a time for me to pick up your furniture.
You can view some of my completed work on the photos page. I'll be happy to supply references if requested.
Give me a call, 217-390-7756, or send me an email, uptownlorri@gmail.com. I look forward to hearing from you.